Monday 30 January 2012

A note from a couchsurfer

A note from a couchsurfer in my Sao Paolo group. Sooooo inspiring just before kicking:

Indra Barrios Lasso posted this message to: Sao Paulo City

I have always believed that all the trips we take, take us through a spiritual journey that never ends. Only the ones who are brave enough to leave behind the comfort, the easy life and hot meals, are the ones who get to see the best of people, of places, of life!

Thanks Indra!

And another couchsurfer Jeremy's amazing video:

OMG !!!!! Thanks Jeremy!

Thursday 26 January 2012

i'm globally yours

Biletimi aldım az önce, eskiden kırmızı renkli kapağı olan kağıttanTHY biletleri olurdu.... 
Artık TO DO LIST'e başlamalıyım. Lonely Planet başucu kitabım oldu şimdiden..
Bu plan sanırım, hayaldi, gerçek oldu...

Monday 23 January 2012

I've made a decision!

Thank you Aylin Sayek for the photo!
Thank you Ayşe Kocabeyoglu for the inspiration!!
And the last thanks to myself for the courage!!!
Here we go!!